The Italian socialist young people approve the Esperantist Agenda.
Rome, 10th July 2006. The Federation of Italian Socialist Young People adopted, during its IV Conference held in Tivoli on the 8th and 9th of July, an esperantist agenda that asks for the abolition of the compulsory teaching of English as the first foreign language in Italy imposed by the recent school Reform of the Berlusconi Government. It supports the law introduced at the end of the last legislature thanks to the political initiative of the Esperanto Radical Association, for the introduction of the Esperanto between the second foreign languages in school and the promotion of that language on European scale.
At the Conference, the ERA Vice Secretary, Lapo Orlandi, after thanking the FGS and its great leaders for their collaboration, he reminded that the Transnational Radical Party had already adopted an esperantist campaign and that had, among its members, the European Members of Parliament Marco Pannella, Marco Cappato and Emma Bonino, Minister of European Affairs. The Vice Secretary has also asserted ERA engagement and its success in Italy and on a transnational field beginning from the battles fighted and gained at United Nations or UNESCO.
When approving the Esperantist Agenda, the new elect Secretary of the FGS, Francesco Mosca, pre-announced his intention to put on line some congressional material in Esperanto.
Giorgio Pagano declared: “it’s another important political moment, after that of the European Green Party in 2002, that of the European Social Forum held in Florence in 2003 and that in the Université d’Eté in 2003 and 2004 by the French Radicals (not to mention the Radical Conference of Sofia in 1992) that ERA gives to the esperantist world, on the eve of the Universal Conference in Italy.
The UEA must try not to loose this opportunity, for themselves, as well as for all the “komunumo”.