Multilinguism and Digitisation of Cultural Heritage

Multilinguism and Digitisation of Cultural Heritage

Source: Global Reach (

The digital revolution is shaping the way we live, communicate, work, and study.
This revolution is also changing the way we access and preserve the global Cultural Heritage.
In the last few years Language Technologies derived from the Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistic have been applied in the preservation of Cultural Heritage.
This new technologies of knowledge management offer new methods for accessing digital collection, allowing the user to extract the required information. In this domain new challenges are related to long-term data preservation, interoperability and multilinguism.

The enlargement of the European Union is determining an increased focus on the issue of Multilinguism and Multiculturalism. EU cultural policy aims to safeguard cultural diversity, to preserve the European cultural heritage and to provide an improved access for citizens to that heritage.

In the last few years, European Projects are encouraging the digitisation of information sources and archives, with two main goals:
– the increasing of the European digital content available in the World Wide Web (e.g. e-Content Program; Minerva Project);
– and the contribution to the development of e-content industries, with the consequent increase in competitiveness of the cultural sector and of the European content industries (e.g. CLEF Project).

In the framework of the IST Programme in the Area of Digital Heritage and Cultural Content (Key Action 3), the CLEF Project (Project No. IST-2000-31002. 1st October 2001 – 31st March 2004) aims at providing a forum among experts in the domain of Cross Language Information Retrieval operating on European languages.

The goal is to assist the development of European cross-language systems allowing users to access to information expressed in languages other than the user mother-language, and guaranteeing competitiveness on the global market. CLEF is a proposal to support global digital library applications (CLEF 2003 was an event of the ECDL 2003 – 7th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. CLEF 2003 took place in Trondheim, Norway (21st -22nd August 2003).

ENEA UDA-Advisor participates as working group in the Minerva Project and partecipated also in the CLEF 2003 in collaboration with the Physics Department of the “La Sapienza” University in Rome, with the paper:

Alderuccio D., Bordoni L., Loreto V., “Data compression approach to monolingual GIRT Task: an agnostic point of view”

Other CLIR events are the TREC Conference (US) and the NTCIR Workshop (for Asiatic Languages)

Source: Global Reach (


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