Languages: absolute hunger strike for Giorgio Pagano

Languages: absolute hunger strike for Giorgio Pagano to convince the Minister of Public Education to receive the Radical Party.
Statement by Giorgio Pagano, Secretary of the "Esperanto" Radical Association.
For at least a couple of decades now, us Radicals have busied ourselves with all that concerning transnational communication and democracy, in the context and especially among other EU citizens, should exist but not to penalize cultures and social classes: non-English speaking people and outsiders. An inaccurate and especially self-critical article spoke about the different discriminations that the EU’s multilinguistic policy has brought in to Italy, for example, some that wer shamelessly presented in last week’s "Repubblica" article, "University Graduates who Don’t Know how to Write in Italy."

In light of the important meeting between the Minsters of Education and the O.d.G that took place in Brussels on the 15th of February, "Promote Multlinguism: a Common Interest," the Radical Party, who ran a campaign on linguistic democracy together with the "Esperanto" Radical Association back in 1993, asked to meet with minister Fiorini urgently.

Still this morning, after a fall-back with the Secretary of the Ministry and the Vice Minister, Mariangela Bastico, Sergio Stanzani and Giorgio Pagano, signtatorees of the request, were unable to acknowledge that there would be "10 minutes" dedicated to linguistic democracy which, using the name "multilinguism," is lead by the Euroepan Untion against all the non-English-speaking cultures of the world. In hopes of seeing our request acknowledged (or not) within a reasonable time from now, I have decided to start an absolute hunger strike, starting from noon today.

Rome, 11.02.2008

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