ERA was protesting against the law for the reform of Armed Forces

Yesterday ERA, Esperanto Radikala Asocio, along with association “Tavola per la pace”, “Associazione italiana per il disarmo”, “Sbilanciamoci”, “Legambiente” and “Libera contro le mafie” was protesting in Piazza Montecitorio against the law for the reform of Armed Forces. This law will cut down the expenses for military establishment, allowing the purchase of F-35 fighter-bomber.

«This is a grave fact, because it will put our future Goverments into debt for the next 15 years. The first of the 90 F-35 will be consigned in 2015, and the last one in 2027. This expense will also affect the Civil Service which represent a nonviolent and civilian defence of our country. And this is even a graver fact because the Parliament delegated powers to the next Government, leaving for itself just an advisory role», says the leader of ERA Giorgio Pagano.

«We should remember that Americans sold to Venezuela aircrafts, and then refused to provide spare parts because they didn’t like the Venezuelan Government anymore. Europe should use its energy and resources to build what it is necessary by itself, because we are a superpower with more than double of inhabitants than USA. Europe should also build a federal army, which would allow to avoid any kind of military submission».


Rome, 12/12/12

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