Era at the Congress organized by FAO on Communication and Development.
ERA participated to the Congress organized by FAO on Communication and Development:Yes to development! No to anglobalization.Rome, 4th November 2006 – ERA participated to the world congress on Communication for Development (WCCD), organized by FAO and World Bank from 25th to 27th October 2006 in Rome.
Giorgio Pagano, Lapo Orlandi, Eleonora Mongelli, Amira D’Apote, Giovanna Gnerre, Sonia Polliere took part to special events and conferences, intervening and raising, on many occasions, the question of the right to use one’s own language in global communication and the onus of the International Community to promote linguistic diversity as a basis for a democratic and sustainable communication.A hundred of leaflets were distributed in order to make the participant aware about the price, that many are paying, for linguistic genocide, to the detriment of a development that configures more as anglophone colonization and dominance and that leaves no room for alternatives.Such topics were undertaken by ERA in the previous weeks at the Forum to that Congress with great success.«The outcome of our 3-day commitment is unclear – Giorgio Pagano, Secretary of the ERA declared – If FAO thinks it is important to talk about communication as preliminary to development and world hunger, we, as association, take its side and our presence there attest this. If, on the contrary, the approach is the same of the big American multinationals and the World Bank, that is to say that of Anglophone colonization, it will be a real failure.Instead of rescuing people from poverty, they are trying to rescue them from the only important thing they own: their identity.
If it is true that “the medium is the message”, here the message is: we don’t help you to fight the hunger, – because we failed in this – but, if you want, we can teach you how to find food. But we teach you it if you are converted to the God English language, to whose comparison whichever other God or philosophy pale and succumb. I call it with the term of “anglobalisation”.